Thursday, September 18, 2008

Grain Meat Evolution!

There is an interesting article in the latest issue of VegNews Magazine called 'Faux Meat Revolution'. As many of you know by now, Field Roast does not use the term 'faux meat' to describe itself [which is why we were probably not mentioned in the article!;)] however a lot of people like to describe what we make as "fake meat", or "meat analogues" or "not-sausage". We know a lot of other brands, such as those described in the article, do like to label themselves that way, but we challenge that idea, and in a sense, create our own little revolution.

The article has quotes from vegans for and against "faux" meat. We can agree with both sides of the argument. For example, Laura Bohlcke of Carrollton, TX (who is on the"faux" meat side) says:

Faux meat is a great way to introduce carnivores to the vegetarian world in a non-threatening way.

On the other side of the debate Phyllis Jo Kubey of New York, NY says:

I would much sooner see people break the habit [of] meat-substitute consumption and free themselves to enjoy the many more interesting and healthful foods available in the fruit vegetable, grain, nut, and seed families.

We agree with both of these arguments, but we want people to not have to choose between something that is "real" and something that is "fake". By not labelling ourselves fake meat, and instead calling ourselves "grain meat", we at Field Roast are trying to reclaim a word, assosciation and lifestyle. We know that the very term itself [meat] is a highly charged one, and that's why we like to use it. We like to challenge the idea that our proteins can come from an animal source. If we to label our foods "fake" bacon, turkey, beef etc. then we are really just buying into the idea that we need to consume those animals in our diets in some form or another.

The VegNews article, written by Mark Hawthorne, traces the evolution of "faux-meat" from China, however insists on calling it all "meat-substitute". While it is true that Buddhists monks, for instance, were searching for a non-animal source of protein, if we look at classic definitions of the word 'meat' then we can see it is "solid food" (Merriam-Websters dictionary). Imagine if the world added meatiness to a meal from a non-animal source. Why label it an animal when it is not? Why assume animals need to be central to every meal when they don't have to be?We were admittedly a little sad that the article did not address the fact that a choice for real or fake does not have to be made. That there are products available which are delicious and tasty and do not try and make eating animals the agenda. The holidays are coming up and we know a delicious vegan centerpiece that allows grains, nuts, vegetables, and spices to take the stage. Full of protein, a favorite of carnivores, vegetarians, flexitarians and... well... people who love good food. From the compassionate findings of buddhist monks, to European bold flavors, how about a nice GRAIN meat to feed the food revolution?

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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Open House Party!

On Tuesday, September 9th, we opened the doors to our new facility for friends, family, customers, vendors and the community to help us dedicate the building we have put so much love and energy into.

The finishing touches on our charming brick building, built in the '20's (read about it here) were hanging our swinging sign and getting the front painted with our company name, the old fashioned way (our painter even did it freehand!) Now, there is no mistaking where we are!

We greeted guests at our front door/ reception area, which we decorated with flowers, and soon was a jungle of beautiful plants we received as congratulatory gifts. We had a Field Roast display, and photos of the plant in the state of disarray we got it in. Even just being in the reception area people could tell from the photos just how much positive energy we infused into the building, which like so many old buildings, was probably slated for demolition. But a little love and respect goes a long way for anything neglected...

We asked people to sign into a dedication board, so we could have a memento of the day as well as capture some of the warm community spirit that our guests brought to us.

From the reception area, we led tours around the facility. We weren't making product at the time which allowed our guests to go into the production room, walk around and check out the machines, and get a feel for all of the aspects that go into producing our famous vegan grain meats.

The tours ended in our label room which had been transformed into party room! :) We had all of our products out for sample, including the hard-to-find White Truffle Pate and Chao Cheese. die-hard fans and people who had never tried our products before were delighted with the display and we really appreciate the warm energy they all brought into bringing our plant to life.

Although we have been in the new location for a few months, now it really feels like home.

Thanks to everyone who made this happen! We could not be here without our dedicated customers, and all of the support we have received over the last ten years!

Stop by anytime to check us out and to bring even more love to us! The party is over but our door is always open...

To check out some more photos of the event, click here

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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Join us at Green Edmonds Festival

visit us at greenedmonds!
This year Field Roast will have a booth selling sausages at the Green Edmonds Festival! This outdoor festival will provide a fun and friendly environment for Green businesses and organizations to showcase their products, services and ideas and for attendees to learn how to live a Greener, healthier lifestyle. Exhibitors will offer everything from home improvement ideas to children's products to organic foods to arts and crafts. Sessions scheduled throughout the day on the solar-powered stage will provide easy, cost-effective ideas for living a Greener life. Admission is FREE! To get there click here.

Hope to see you there!

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